Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The Calming Canvas of Coffs Coast.

Ever felt like getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life? Ever wanted to capture the beauty of a beach or the sun setting over a set of stables on a farm? Well  you can do it all in one day in Coffs Harbour on the North Coast of New South Wales in Australia. One of my personal favourites destinations is this seaside country community. Coffs has everything you need to capture destination photographs and nothing you don't.

Situated about halfway between Sydney and The Gold Coast this is the perfect place for a short getaway with ample amounts of great photo opportunities.

In my 4 day stay I was able to capture many wonderful things. From the beaches to the bays and the big banana, to the open farmlands and outback bush, there is too many great places to name!

I loves the fact that it is so easy to capture the feeling of this place. The picture above was taken when I found a little lookout in Sawtell as I was out one day. The harmony between the ocean and the bush in the photograph is a perfect summary of the Coffs Coast. The entire region is a mashup of country towns and coastal suburbs. The best part about Coffs is everything is pretty close to the central shopping district where most accommodation is so you're not spending hours looking for one great location.

I recommend starting at Jetty Beach and adjacent headlands. Beach shots can be a great place to start when trying to capture the essence of Coffs as many locals spend much of their time at or around the beautiful beaches around Coffs Harbour. If you'd like to know more then visit the Coffs Coast Website 

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